Professor Robert Rennie

Professor Robert Rennie


  A wonderful article on our recently retired ( from teaching not from practice) Professor Robert Rennie has been published. The full piece is available at The Journal Online, but here is a brief  taster of that article: Does he find his teaching work an advantage? “Yes. You benefit in two ways. First, from working with young people. That has been a great privilege. They keep you young, at least in mind; they keep you fresh; and they keep your feet on the floor. They don’t let you get over-pompous. Secondly, you have to keep up with the law in which you practise, because you have to teach up-to-date law.”. Robert will be awarded with the title Emeritus Professor, and the status of Honorary Fellow in recognition of his contribution to the School of Law and the Senate Office at the University of Glasgow on the 12th November 2014. In May 2015 a Festschrift is being prepared  in his honour for publication. Further details will follow. Image courtesy of The Journal Online.

Gordon Seminar on Criminal Law 2015: Postgraduate Call for Papers

Gordon Seminar on Criminal Law 2015: Postgraduate Call for Papers

A Religious Revival

A Religious Revival